Group workshops for statistical data analysis

Group workshops are small group settings, where you meet with VPHI instructors to work through statistically related problems. 

These workshops are intended to be self-learning experiences. You are therefore expected to perform your own statistical analysis, learn independently and also to develop collaborative relationships with other students so that you can help each other to learn and solve problems. VPHI instructors will provide practical advice, but will stress self-learning, and direct students towards self-learning resources aimed at finding solutions to their analytical problems.

Requirements to attend the group workshop:

  • Register via email to attend a workshop (
  • You need to have completed the Short Course in Statistics Using NCSS (or an equivalent course in statistics), and  approval of your supervisor
  • Fill in the worksheet “Group consulting”, providing a basic description of your study and hand it in via email (Word format) prior to the workshop ( The form needs to be electronically signed by your supervisor.
  • You need to bring your own data to the workshop. It must be cleaned and loaded into your statistical software, on your own laptop and ready for analysis. Instructions on how to clean your data can be found here.

Having this information ahead of the workshop will allow VPHI instructors to understand the study design, and to determine the type and complexity of analyses required before the workshop; ultimately saving student and instructor time during the workshop.  

Group workshops are held twice per month, generally Thursdays from 9 to 12:00h at the Fakultätszimmer (Anatomie building).
Attendance is limited to 6 students per workshop

For more information please contact Beatriz Vidondo.