Veterinary Public Health Institute

Completed Projects

Evaluation tool for synchronized IBR/EBL surveillance

Evaluation tool for synchronized IBR/EBL surveillance to demonstrate freedom from the two diseases at a target prevalence of 0.2% with 95% confidence

Contact Person: Valerie Hungerbühler

Duration: June - December 2022

The current surveillance program for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in the Swiss cattle population aims to document freedom from the two animal diseases in accordance with the requirements of the bilateral treaties with the EU. The sample size must therefore be large enough to exclude a herd prevalence of more than 0.2% with at least 99% certainty. The FSVO is responsible for monitoring, which is carried out on the basis of an annual random and target sampling. The goal is to create an R-script to determine the required sample size and to create tables summarizing the annual monitoring results, as well as to evaluate the degree of freedom achieved.