Veterinary Public Health Institute

Completed Projects


PIG DATA: Health analytics for Swiss pig farming

Contact Person: John Berezowski, Céline Faverjon, Brian Friker, Julie Pont, Luís Pedro Carmo

Duration: 2017 - 2020

Key partners in all areas of pig production (farmers, veterinary surgeons, marketing organizations, animal feed manufacturers and slaughter companies) collaborated in the project and made their data available for analysis. Data included health, production, reproduction and nutritional data, mortality statistics, veterinary records, transport data, carcass quality and weather data. Our interdisciplinary research team created a data store, which amalgamated this heterogeneous data. Methods for transporting, loading cleaning, processing and analyzing the data were designed and implemented. Analyses focused on answering research questions that were identified by our pig production partners as being important for solving production problems. Results of the analysis were communicated regularly to our pig production partners who evaluated the results and provided inputs to improve both our understanding of the data and the results of the analyses.